Baby Formula
- Provided as needed when available and/or household funding limits and VAC funding allow
- 1 pack of diapers/pull ups & 1 pack of baby wipes per child per month
Car/Booster Seat
- 1 car/booster seat per child
- 2 car/booster seats per Address
- VAC provides the referral to Safe Kids so they may schedule a 30 minute appointment with the Columbia Fire Department who hosts monthly car/booster seat events, as well as emergency appointments. Education is provided on how to install a brand new car/booster seat provided by Safe Kids Columbia, and how to appropriately place your infant in the seat.
- Vouchers for a car/booster seat are provided by VAC to redeem at your scheduled appointment.
Car/booster seats are provided through a partnership with Safe Kids Columbia.
Diapers and wipes are provided through a partnership with First Chance for Children, as well as private donors.