
Complete your Wishlist

Thank you for signing up for VAC's Holiday Program.
The last step of the application process is filling out your family's "wish list" by clicking the blue button labeled WISHLIST LINK.
The first question is going to ask for your Family Number. This number was provided either over the phone or by email or given to you on a sheet of paper in the VAC office. If you do not have this number please call the VAC office to get it. 
  • Please fill this form out within 3 business days of signing up through our office so that we can process it as quickly as possible.
  • Failure to fill this form out will result in your family not being sponsored this year. 
  • Do not add any family members not on your file with VAC and do not leave any family members off of the form. Please use legal first names only. 
When you are done with the form a pop up window will thank you for completing your application. Once complete, VAC will mail further instructions. Please make sure if your mailing address or phone number changes to notify the VAC office immediately to ensure you receive any communication from VAC. 

Thank you! Happy Holidays!

Responding to the immediate basic needs of individuals and families within our community. 

403A Vandiver Drive, Columbia MO 65202 | Phone: 573-874-2273 | Fax: 573-874-9172 | vac@vacmo.org
© 2025 Voluntary Action Center | Website design and development by Pixel Jam Digital
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